Monza, Djuric: “We’re missing the last step. The moment is a bit peculiar”

Monza striker Milan Djuric spoke at a conference after the defeat against Bologna.

What happened?
“It’s hard to say, we knew it was an important match for us and we were facing a great team. We started strong, then they were good at scoring with their first shot. We got back, then we lacked the energy and strength to stay up high. We could have done more in possession. With such important teams there’s always the risk that someone with a play scores a goal as happened”.

Do you sometimes get lost in the last few meters?
“Up front we have important outfield players who target the man in one-on-one situations and make the difference, then it can happen that sometimes they lose the ball. This is our way: ball to the striker, offload to the attacking midfield, which has space for changes in front. We try to do as the coach tells us, on some days they do it better, on others less so”.

On a personal level, this is his best start in Serie A.
“The moment is a bit strange, because they are an end in themselves if they don’t bring points and the joy is a bit strangled. They certainly make you happy. They are halfway between happiness and disappointment”.

What is your difficulty in completing the action?
“I see quality in guys like Mota, Caprari and Maldini, maybe when we get to the bottom we sometimes lack the final pass and we need to improve. For the times we get to the area it’s a shame not to capitalise with at least one shot, then scoring is another matter. We’re working on it”.