Dorgu’s report cards – With a cut he splits Parma’s defense in half

A goal and a provoked expulsion. A more than sufficient performance for Patrick Dorguoutside of the Lecce yesterday used in the offensive phase. A match to be applauded, as highlighted by The Sports Gazette on newsstands today: “Lethal and cool on the left-footed goal, he gets Cancellieri sent off and also gets by as a full-back when his team is left with ten men”. Also of the same opinion Allsports: “Surgical when he finds himself in front of Suzuki. He gets Cancellieri expelled.”

Of the same opinion also TMWbut the defensive error on Parma’s equaliser, which came in injury time, is highlighted: “With a cut he splits Parma’s defence in half and scores the goal that puts Salentini ahead. He is decisive in a positive way, causing Cancellieri’s expulsion, but in the final stages he loses the marking of Hainaut who scores the equaliser”.

Patrick Dorgu’s report cards
TMW: 7
The Sports Gazette: 7
The Courier of Sport: 7
Allsport: 7.5
The Republic: 7.5
The Corriere della Sera: 6.5