Inzaghi: “Palacios? He doesn’t speak Italian or English, but he’s very eager. He can also play as a centre-back”

At what point is it? Thomas Palacios? Arrived at theInter on the last day of the transfer market, the Argentine defender has not yet found space and could take a while to convince Simone Inzaghi. Who, in a press conference on the eve of the derby, responded as follows: “He’s fine, he’s working well. He doesn’t speak Italian, he doesn’t speak English, he only speaks Spanish: Correa and Lautaro are helping us a lot, but he’s a boy with excellent prospects who is watching his teammates and trying to learn. He has great technique, he reads the game and in a three-man defense he’s trying to fit in in the best way possible. Watching him work is a pleasure, you can really see that he wants to learn”.

But can he play only as a wing-back or also as a centre-back?
“At the moment, since he’s just arrived, we’re putting him together with Bastoni. I can’t say for the future, but for me he could also play as a centre-back because of his reading of the game.”

Dumfries starter tomorrow?
“He’s fine, he came on well in the various games. It’s one of the ballots, Darmian had a great game in Manchester and Denzel came on very well. It’s one of the two doubts that I’ll carry with me until tomorrow, every time I have to be able to choose the best player for each game”.

Simone Inzaghi’s press conference.