Inzaghi: “Milan in trouble? I’m thinking about Inter, we shouldn’t look at the six derbies won”

Milan in trouble and angry, Inter on a full stomach? Simone Inzaghi he responds like this, in a press conference on the eve of the derby: “It’s a risk that must not happen, we will find a Milan that played a great match against Venezia and then lost to Liverpool. More than thinking about how they will find Milan, I will think about what we will have to do, a great race of running, of attention. The derbies are like this, they go beyond all predictions: the details are fundamental and we will have to be better than our opponents”.

Could this be a decisive push for Milan?
“I’ve talked about this before, I’m trying to focus on our home.”

Everyone gives Inter as the clear favourite, how do you prepare for a derby in this context on a psychological level?
“Whatever happened, happened, we find a team with excellent players trained by an excellent coach who I have already met several times in Rome. We will have to be ready.”

The derby numbers say that usually the strongest team wins. Do you feel stronger?
“We feel strong against everything and everyone. In the derby, the last ones were positive but I said at the first question that what has been has been. Now we have to look to the present, to tomorrow’s match which will be extremely difficult for us. I heard Fonseca’s press conference, he said he found a team that worked very well. The same goes for me, it will be an open and heartfelt derby, I think it’s fair and we’ll see what happens”.

Simone Inzaghi’s press conference.