Ds Vis Pesaro thunders after defeat against Ternana: “We need referees worthy of Serie C”

The 5th day of the Serie C championship opened yesterday, which saw the Ternana wins on the Vis Pesaro pitch, 0-2 the final score. A match that however unleashed the ire of the local team, or rather, it was the refereeing that raised doubts among the red and whites, with the Sports Director Michele Menga who, on the sidelines of the match, wanted to have his say on this aspect.

Here are his words, taken from the portal ternananews.it: “Lega Pro asks for training from everyone, us directors and coaches, even the referees but we are wasting time. The presidents deserve respect and this is not good. We are tired and the referee training system needs to be reviewed. I am also disappointed by the way they are treating us. As they ask us to train ourselves, we ask that the referees be trained in directing professional matches. We all deserve respect. We send referees worthy of the Lega Pro. I’m not talking about the episodes, but in general, every Sunday that we suffer.”

In the crosshairs, therefore, the match refereeing of Mr. Roberto Lovison of the Padua section, who had already been “recovered” by the Marche team after last season’s match lost in extremis against Torres: then, Vis contested at the end of the match a missed interruption of play with Zoia on the ground and the opponents flying towards the net.