Capitanio (AgCom): “Piracy Shield works. Law with fines up to 5 thousand euros is coming”

Piracy Shield it works. This is guaranteed by Massimiliano Capitanio. The AgCom commissioner, speaking during a live streaming, spoke about the technology introduced to combat the phenomenon of media piracy: “The most important innovation is that Piracy Shield works thanks to the collaboration not only with streaming platforms, but also with telephone operators – reports Football and Finance – Piracy Shield activity resumed, limiting some of the malfunctions that had characterized it towards the end of the championship and in the first two days alone 1,000 fqdn and 500 IP addresses were blocked, but the number increased in the third and fourth days of the championship.

The other news is that the dialogue with some subjects that can contribute in a decisive way to limit this phenomenon, such as Google and Cloudfare, is alive and AgCom for the first time has had the opportunity to discuss it in an official hearing. The latest news is that the collaboration protocol between the Attorney General of Rome, the Guardia di Finanza and our authority is now ready, which will allow the exchange of information aimed at implementing a law of the Italian State. A law that provides not only the fight against criminal organizations, but also a fine of 150 to 5 thousand euros for users.

On another completely different front, influencers promoting gambling were recently sanctioned with fines of 50 thousand euros. We would like to avoid that when the sanctions arrive to the end users, it is called an activity of non-democratic repression. It is right that people know that piracy is a crime and that citizens who use it are also sanctioned”.