Torino’s report cards – Sanabria back to scoring, Zapata still MVP. Adams, what an impact

Final result: Hellas Verona-Torino 2-3

Milinkovic Savic 6 – He has little to do, he enjoys a quiet evening. On the pearl of Kastanos he is free from blame.

Walukiewicz 6.5 – No one can pass through his area. He intercepts many balls and even pushes himself into the Verona penalty area in the development phase. From 82′ Dembelé sv

Maripan 6.5 – Torino’s action always starts with him. He touches a lot of balls in the build-up phase and leaves nothing in defense. He has already convinced Vanoli.

Masina 5.5 – Business as usual behind for over ninety minutes, then with a huge mistake he gifts the goal for 2-3 to Verona. He spices up his performance with a beautiful vertical ball that starts the action for Sanabria’s 1-0.

Lazarus 6 – At times a positive factor, but sometimes he also makes mistakes. He lost a few too many balls on his night, but also provided the assist for the goal scored by Zapata.

Curls 6.5 – National Version. Impeccable in possession and without the ball, with great vision of the game and the usual vigor in the tackles. From 92′ Njie sv

Tame 6.5 – It’s true, he can also play as a defender and he did it well. But tonight he gives further confirmation of the fact that if placed in midfield he can really be a man capable of making the difference. He comes out, in fact, and his absence in the middle of the field is felt. From 68′ Linetty 5.5 – He’s not convincing yet, he’s a bit hasty with the ball at his feet.

Ilic 6.5 – In Vanoli’s football, the midfielders are called to do a demanding job and he is not backing down. Also combining a lot of quality in his plays. From 68′ Gineitis 6 – He does his part, without any shame or praise, in a final management.

Sosa 6 – Toro plays more on the other lane and the same goes for Verona. So he is called to a school work. Maybe we expected a few more threats for the opposing defense from his crosses.

Sanabria 6 – Chosen somewhat surprisingly, he proved Vanoli right by scoring after less than ten minutes. Sure, he also missed a penalty and the rating was affected by this, but his return to the starting lineup coincided with his return to scoring six months after his last goal and it was still a great night. From 68′ Adams 7 – He comes in and scores, scoring the goal that ultimately proves decisive. What an impact on the game, what an impact on Torino, what an impact on Serie A.

Shoe 7 – In the area he is simply devastating. In the body to body you never beat him, on the high balls even less. He takes advantage of one and finds another goal, with his head, his best skill. He is the MVP.

Paul Vanoli 7 – He expected an offensive response from his boys and he got it. He chose Sanabria instead of Adams and his decision was rewarded after just 10 minutes of the match with the goal from the former Roma player. If Torino is top of the league, maybe even just for one night, much of the credit goes to him.