Spezia, D’Angelo: “Great anticipation for the derby. Let’s channel our emotions well”

It’s a game for which there is great anticipation, there is an electrified atmosphere and even wanting to isolate oneself it would be impossible, but I also think it’s wrong, because it’s right to experience emotions. The important thing will then be to channel them in the right way once on the pitch, the boys are focused and ready to face the match in the right way”. The Spezia coach Luke D’Angelo he spoke in this way in a press conference two days before the derby against Carrarese, a match that is very much felt in both places: “Carrarese is a team that has played very good games up to now, it has the right spirit for the category and is well positioned on the pitch, therefore we will have to put the right emotional and tactical attention as well as taking care of every little detail. – continues D’Angelo as reported by the Ligurian club’s website – It may seem trivial, but the most difficult match is the one we are preparing to face.so for now we have to worry exclusively about Carrarese, knowing that it will be a tough match, but obviously we will do our best to bring home the result”.

Then there is room for situations of disadvantage from which you then have to recover: “How can you get to a more relaxed victory? I agree, you shouldn’t always be at a disadvantage and you have to try to have the same attitude seen in recent months at every moment and in every race, then if you can win with less effort, even better”.

Finally a thought for the squad: “Kouda and Sarr are continuing their journeys, We will evaluate Elia tomorrow in the finishing touches to understand whether to call him up or notfor the rest we have a squad with many options and we can rotate the players having important solutions even during the game. Colak? He is ready to play from the start and in Cremona he did very well, coming very close to scoring. He is a boy who plays a lot for the team and I appreciate that a lot, so we will evaluate his use, as we will evaluate that of the other attackers”.