Genoa-Sampdoria, tension grows: ultras face each other “remotely” in the night

A night of madness yesterday in Genoa. Tension is rising for the Lanterna derby scheduled for next Wednesday at the “Ferraris” and valid for the sixteenth finals of the Italian Cup. Yesterday evening two groups of supporters of Genoa And Sampdoria they faced each other at a distance between the areas of the center and the Marassi neighborhood.

Yesterday’s events
A “show of force” with the rossoblù, about a hundred, armed with helmets and bars positioned in the area of ​​the Brignole station (where the former headquarters of Samp was) and the blucerchiati instead in the area of ​​the stadium. All of this, happened between 10 pm and midnight, under the protection of the police who monitored that the two factions did not come into contact.

The precedents
Tensions and disagreements that culminated last May 5, after the match between the team then coached by Pirlo and Reggiana, in the clashes in Piazza Alimonda, near which the Gradinata Nord club is located. The response was the raid on the Ultras Doriani club with the theft of some banners. The episodes unfortunately followed one another in the city with the attack in a bar in the eastern part of the city and which led to the wounding of a Genoa ultra and to some attempted clashes, one on the heights always in the eastern part of Genoa and the other always near Piazza Alimonda when calls to 112 reported the presence of a hundred Genoa ultras always hooded and armed with bars.