Catanzaro-Cremonese, the official formations: the former Fulignati and Vandeputte from 1st

The Catanzaro coach Fabio Caserta makes only one change in the formation compared to the Cittadella match, choosing D’Alessandro in place of Buso as a midfielder with Compagnon confirmed on the opposite lane. In defense, Bonini is confirmed on the left with Situm on the right, while up front there are Biasci and Iemmello.

Cremonese responds with two great exes like Fulignati between the posts and Vandeputte again deployed as a midfielder with Sernicola and Zanimacchia on the outside. Up front there is De Luca alongside Vazquez, while in defense the young Moretti finds space alongside Antov and Bianchetti. In midfield Castagnetti returns as director.

These are the official lineups for the Serie B preview:
Catanzaro (4-4-2): Pigliacelli; Situm, Brighenti, Antonini, Bonini; Compagnon, Petriccione, Pompetti, D’Alessandro; Biasci, Iemmello. Coach Caserta
Cremonese (3-5-2): Fulignati; Antov, Bianchetti, Moretti; Zanimacchia, Collocolo, Castagnetti, Vandeputte, Sernicola; Vazquez, De Luca. Coach Stroppa