Atalanta 0-0 with Arsenal. Good start for Gasp, Retegui don’t be afraid

Goals and spectacle, actions and many opportunities. These were the premises of the challenge between Atalanta And Arsenal: in the end the scoreboard was clear, 0-0 the final score and a good point put in the bag in view of the next challenges. Goddess comes out of the first home challenge in the new Champions League with a draw and the awareness of being able to face the European nights with pride: sure, that missed penalty leaves a bittersweet taste, but after a performance like that it’s better to look at the glass half full.

The words of the Nerazzurri coach
Satisfied also Gian Piero Gasperini spoke at the press conference: “The performance, absolutely, it’s a good point. It’s normal, there’s the regret of the missed penalty, going ahead at that moment would have been a reward for the whole team. It was a very useful match for us, we played against a great team, we come out of this match with a performance from the attackers in the defensive phase that had never been there before, this helped the collective performance of the whole defense”.

Turn the page
It was bitter chewing Mateo Reteguidark-faced after the penalty (and tap-in) missed in the second half that could have sent the match on a different path. A mistake that can weigh on the soul and morale, even if the performance remains: better to think about the future and rely on that chant that the entire Curva Nord sang at the end of the match. On Monday there is Como, the ideal match to turn the page immediately. After all, penalties are missed by those who have the courage to take them.