Cittadella, Pavan: “Mantova one of the most beautiful teams to watch. A great match awaits us”

“I have good feelings about this start to the season, we have always had good performances facing strong teams. We know that this year is a difficult championship, so we are certainly pleased to have started off on the right foot. A bit like every year, it is important to have everyone involved and ready to give their contribution. We know that with the way we play we are all fundamental, and even with five substitutions we all become important both during the match and throughout the season”: thus, to the portal, Cittadella midfielder Nicola Pavan.

Who then continued: “A difficult match awaits us against Mantova because we are facing a team that has a strong playing identity. We will have to be good at playing our game, because the Virgilians in the last year and a half have perhaps been one of the most beautiful teams to watch: it will be a great challenge”.

He then concludes by talking about the seasonal, personal and team objectives: “As a team we are definitely aiming for safety, and then we will see what position we are in to make other evaluations. On a personal level I will try to continue to do well, confirm a bit of what I did last year, and maybe, if I can, score a goal to dedicate to my daughter”.