Bari, good news for mister Longo: Maiello and Simic return to the group

Good news for the technician Moreno Longo at home Bari. In view of the delicate away match in Frosinone, both midfielder Maiello and defender Simic are back training with the group. This is the report of today’s training:

“The red and white group’s march towards the challenge against Frosinone, 6th day of Serie BKT, scheduled to start at 3:00 pm on Sunday 22 September on the ‘Benito Stirpe’ pitch, continues.

This morning, after an in-depth prologue in the video room, the team worked on the Antistadio pitch, concentrating on tactical exercises focused on the development of offensive action, set pieces and conclusions on goal. Regularly in the group Raphael Maiello And Lorenzo Simic; customized work table for Emmanuele Matino.

A new morning session is scheduled for tomorrow, which will be held behind closed doors, as will the finishing touches on Saturday.”