Countdown ended: Bologna, here comes the Champions League. Italiano doesn’t want to be an extra

The big day has finally arrived. Bologna is ready to make its Champions League debut, against Shakhtar Donetsk at the Dall’Ara, and Vincenzo Italian he can’t wait to get started, hoping that the double path that took him to two Conference finals with Fiorentina in the last two seasons can help him: “I know what we’re going to face and my past experience has taught me to manage emotions – the coach said in a press conference -. I believe that this experience, as it helped me, will help a lot the guys who have never experienced Europe. I can’t wait to get on the field”.

“We won’t be an extra.”
Italiano then expressed his thoughts on what he expects from his team in this new Champions League: “The level is high. We start by facing an experienced opponent in this competition. With this new format, however, we have the opportunity, especially at home, to show how much we are worth, starting tomorrow. We must be ready. I am also very excited. It will be a beautiful journey to experience with great pride. We do not want to be extras but to put everyone in difficulty”.

De Silvestri leader of the pack.
Lorenzo De Silvestri also spoke, present at the press conference: “How much does it hurt to be out even with the important role of ‘leader of the pack’? From a professional point of view, it hurts a bit, but I feel so integrated into this group that I think I can give a hand, starting tomorrow. I’m happy that the coach invited me to this conference. I’m sure the group will be able to have its say”.

Orsolini and madness.
Finally, Riccardo Orsolini, a rossoblù winger, who explained what Bologna will need in the Champions League: “First of all, you have to be focused and understand what you’re going to do. Then you’ll need a pinch of madness, it never hurts, to overcome performance anxiety and the fear of making mistakes. We’re focused and eager, this is a rare and unique opportunity for us. Some have never played in the Champions League or European competitions, it will be a first for many. For us, for the coach, for the fans… After 60 years, participating in the Champions League is something extraordinary”.