Alcione, Palombi: “Serious and ambitious company, in Serie C we can have our say”

TMW Radio

Simone PalombiAlcione striker, spoke to the microphones of TMW Radio during the broadcast All C

How did this season start for you and Alcione?
“It started very well. We started strong with the first four points, then we suffered two defeats, even if against the top two in the standings. The team, however, reacted well to the difficulties and with Renate we collected less than we produced. Here I found an ambitious club, with a desire to work and with the hunger to assert themselves”.

What kind of environment did you find when you signed with Alcione?
“I found a serious company, that makes work and humility its strength. They have undertaken this path for three/four years in a decisive manner and the results are visible. I found people who work every day for this team, it is a united environment from all points of view”.

Is the declared objective salvation?
“Every day we tell ourselves that we are the last to arrive and that we must therefore show humility, even though in the first matches we always played with an open face. These matches have told us that we can have our say”.

Is the attention around Alcione also growing in terms of following?
“We are trying to bring as many people as possible to the stadium, which is not easy being the third team in Milan. If Alcione makes great strides, however, some people will come closer, because it is a reality that is growing. There are resources for the fans to come and see us to give us a push”.

Listen to the full interview with Simone Palombi in the podcast below