Vicenza, Vecchi: “The path is the right one, now we have to give continuity”

Stefano Vecchi, Vicenza coach, comments on the success obtained with Pro Patria. These are his words reported by Trivenetogoal: “Was it the game you wanted to see? Yes, we did what we set out to do, that is, play for 95 minutes and had a great game. We unlocked it, managed it and almost closed it with the second goal, continuing to be aggressive, that was what we wanted to give value to the point against Albinoleffe. It was a good sign because for 95 minutes we saw a team on the pitch. The goal by the attackers with a clean sheet? These victories have more value because the attackers and defenders find confidence, we had great solidity against a team that could have given us some fear.

I’m happy because they all seemed to have grown up. The central pair Rossi-Zonta? They did very well, then in the 90′ some mistakes can happen but very well, Zonta played a great game, I’m sorry when you hear whispers, he should be appreciated for the heart he puts into it.

Mogentale? I still don’t know exactly what role he can play, he has great pace and his values ​​during training are always very high, he has important qualities also from a technical point of view, it is not clear if he is a midfielder or an offensive player because he fills the field wherever he plays. Victory also for self-esteem? Yes, now let’s see if we can give continuity to the performances of a mature and winning team, it is the right path”