Spezia-Bertola, renewal on hold. Final decision postponed to end of month

Negotiations continue at Spezia for the renewal of Nicholas Bertoladefender born in 2003, protagonist of an excellent start to the season with the Eaglets thanks to two goals in five league games. The player’s contract expires at the end of the season and the club intends to secure him so as not to lose him on a free transfer in a few months, but at the moment the long-awaited white smoke has not arrived.

As reported The 19th Century the player’s agents, Tinti and Montipò, are moving the date of the meeting forward while leaving the door open for an agreement with Stephen Melissanosporting director of the whites, who after having recomposed the situation inherited from Eduardo Macia – who had proposed a transfer to Torino first and then to Venezia – has put on the table an offer with a salary of more than 220 thousand euros (Bertola currently earns 126 thousand euros) until 2028 with an exit clause in the event of a call from a top club of 4.5 million euros.

After some hesitation, optimism was reached, but now the final decision is postponed and could arrive only at the end of the month. Bertola, after the splendid match also played in Cremona, remains one of the most sought-after 2003s today not only in the second series of the five major European championships but also with an eye on the top divisions.