Rome, De Rossi smiles: Dovbyk trained with the group. Zalewski did not: Galatasaray puzzle

Good and bad news from Trigoria, at home RomeLet’s start with the first ones: Artem Dovbyk Daniele De Rossi is back training with the group, smiles. The Ukrainian centre-forward, who has recovered from the muscle pain he suffered at the end of the match against Juventus, according to the online edition of Sports Courierthis afternoon he joined his teammates and will be available for the next league match against Genoa. De Rossi now has the choice of whether to field the former Girona player as a starter or only during the match.

Nicola Zalewski did not train. And in this case it’s not about physical problems, but the transfer market. According to what was reported by colleagues of Skythe Italian-Polish winger, at the centre of the pressing Galatasaray on the market, he did not train with the rest of his teammates in Trigoria.

Roma and the Turkish club have reached a basic agreement for the transfer of Zalewski to Istanbul several hours ago, on the basis of a permanent move worth 10 million euros plus 2 million in bonuses. The player, however, has not yet given his approval – pushing the Gala on the trail of AC Milan’s Ballo-Touré or Napoli’s Mario Rui – and would prefer to stay in Giallorossi. It remains to be seen, if the transfer market story ends like this, the scenarios given that the contract between Zalewski and Roma expires in 2025.