Renate, Crippa: “Back to breathing positivity. Very satisfied with the team”

Temporary first place after three days, cohabiting with a historic “big” like Padova. A start to Serie C that the dg Max Crippa commented through the official channels of the Nerazzurri club: “We are very satisfied with how the team is performing, getting points in the bag from the start is always important for a club like ours. We have had a complicated season after reaching the playoffs for five consecutive years, we all needed to get back to breathing positivity and optimism, and from this point of view the work of mister Foschi and his staff must be praised, in addition of course to the commitment that the group is putting in.

I would like to emphasize that behind the great results of these 15 years there is not only the merit of the undersigned, on the contrary. The greatest applause goes to President Spreafico, capable of surrounding himself with valid and competent people, in addition to being a person of great clarity and foresight. In this splendid adventure in Serie C the contribution of all the Sports Directors with whom I have worked side by side has been decisive. From Gigi Abbate to Gianluca Andrissi, from Antonio Obbedio to Oscar Magoni, who for years has enthusiastically embraced our cause. Then there are the guys at the headquarters, with whom there is total harmony and who carry out essential daily work for the good of this Club. If the First Team works and runs well, the credit is also due to a youth sector in continuous growth, which obtains extraordinary results, such as the Under 17 Scudetto won in June.

From this point of view, we must only congratulate Carlo Roda and Michele Cossa who, just to give an example, three years ago had the brilliant intuition to bring Lorenzo De Leo here, a player already in the sights of the higher categories and who must be a point of reference for all the boys who dream of arriving in the First Team. I repeat, if Renate is doing well, the credit is certainly not only mine, but of all the people who for years have done everything to remain protagonists in professional football”.