Fiorentina, Commisso will return to Italy on Saturday morning: meeting with mayor Funaro

Rocco Commisso will be returning to Italy soon and his agenda will be full of commitments. He spoke about it to Radio FirenzeVioladuring the celebrations for the two years of the broadcaster, the Rai journalist Sara Meini, assuring that the president of the Florentine will return to Florence on Saturday morning.

“He will have many appointments on his agenda – explained Meini – the first with the mayor Sara Funaro, with a meeting scheduled at Palazzo Vecchio. The president will go to Viola Park to meet the new coach in person, he will follow the Viola team in Bergamo and will be present for the Tuscan derby, because he will remain in Florence until the next break, scheduled around October 10.

In addition to the meeting with Mayor Sara Funaro, the president could have a meeting with a notary on his agenda to buy a house near Ponte Vecchio, a sign that the relationship between Florence and the patron is increasingly solid”.