Carrarese, Calabro honorary citizen of Carrara: “It was all magic”

Today, September 12, at the council chamber of the Municipality of Carrara the ceremony for the awarding of honorary citizenship to the Italian coach took place Anthony Calabro. In the presence of the city council, which unanimously voted on the motion, representatives of the city institutions, the technician Antonio Calabro and the honorary president Gualtiero Magnani spoke.

The words of the Honorary President Walter Magnani: “This ceremony is extremely important, because it is part of the activity of an administration that decides to open up to others, to have among its citizens people who contribute to the growth of the city and the community. Social life is important in a community like ours that boasts a history on the football side, Carrarese is a club that is over a hundred years old and thanks to this mister we have rediscovered an extraordinary dimension. The figure of Calabro arrived with respect and modesty, without great proclamations and brought an entire city to Serie B. What a coach represents in a club is fundamental, because he is a teacher and educator, and able to give advice and support to young players. I would like to say that Carrarese is improving from all points of view, also through professional relationships with all the sports realities of the city.
Coaches and players are stateless, always travelling from one city to another, but we would like this city to remain in the hearts of those who pass through it and of mister Calabro”.

The technician’s thank you speech Anthony Calabro: “I had never found myself in a situation like this, I was aware that I would arrive here without knowing what to say, but I didn’t prepare anything because when I speak from the heart, something always enters into the person in front of me: I thank those who are present today, I thank the entire city for this honor. I realized this after what I did, because, those who work in this field know, we are children of defeats and victories, so we can’t get too excited considering that, from one week to the next, we can be considered winners or losers. Today I realize how extreme this goal was and for this I have to thank the club for choosing me, considering we were already halfway through the championship, but I didn’t think twice, I left Lecce at 5 in the morning to arrive as soon as possible. I thank my staff and my second Padovano, a thank you to the players, because without them we coaches are nothing. It was all magic. I want to tell you one thing: I taught the players the meaning of the wheel they wear on their hearts, that symbol, whose history I didn’t even know and which I asked about after my first few days here. After the explanation they gave me, I understood where I had come to work, what the city wanted from this team. It wasn’t a Carrara marble player that they wanted to see, but a Carrara player who pushed that wheel, all together for the city. You go onto the pitch to play not only for your family, for money, for a goal, but for much more. Thanks to the fans who immediately accepted my requests to push the team, to come and see what we were capable of. I’m focused on the future, and I feel a greater responsibility with this honor, for all those who have come back to the stadium and for the children who have discovered the emotion of entering the curve; this is why I say that I want to consolidate the category, if possible go to the play offs, if possible get into the top 5, if possible even get first! Thank you for everything”