Capozucca: “I wouldn’t have bet on Nicola as coach, on the pitch he was a madman”

Stephen Capozucca, former sporting director of Cagliari, made some statements about the rossoblù to the microphones of Videolina: “We are used to seeing Cagliari struggle. They have taken a suitable coach, after the “maestro”. In Cagliari you need temperament and they have found the right coach. Their team is right for achieving salvation”.

About Davide Nicola.
“I have had many coaches, players. From Gasperini to Nicola, this shows that I am not a young man. The only one I would not have bet a dollar on was Nicola, on his future as a coach. He was a crazy man as a player. Then he proved to be a great coach. Let’s not forget his exploits. Nicola is a well-prepared, meticulous, studious coach and he wants to emerge. I am convinced that he will do well”.

On the market.
“I never judge because it’s not fair, they are colleagues. Bonato is a friend and he did his best based on his availability and he got the best”

On Pavoletti.
“I’m happy, he has Cagliari engraved in his heart. Off the pitch I met him and his family. He’s a golden boy. After Venice I saw the pain in his eyes, not as a player but as a man”.