Campobasso KO with Pianese, Braglia: “I was ashamed, we didn’t take the field”

The 2-0 defeat conceded at the weekend by Pianese It was worth the second stop in three days of the championship for the Campobassobut also the strong disappointment of their own technician, Piero Braglia.

“We didn’t take to the field – he told the microphones of – . Pianese deservedly won, they dominated. We played really badly, there’s no point in beating around the bush. There was no match. At a certain point I even felt ashamed of how we were playing, and that doesn’t happen to me often.”

Next weekend the Molise team will face the home challenge against Towers team that was left out in the last round thanks to the postponement of the match against Milan Future because of the many young people of the Devil busy with the national teams.