Genoa, celebration for 131 years of history. Gilardino speaks with the fans: “What a thrill to see you here”

Genoa blows out 131 candles. And as usual, the fans wanted to celebrate the birthday of the oldest club in Italy. Thousands gathered in Piazza De Ferrari, answering the call of the groups of the Gradinata Nord. The pulsating heart of the city of the Lanterna filled up already from 10:30 pm yesterday, the time indicated by the organized fans, to then give life to the usual fireworks display at the stroke of midnight. Shortly after 11 pm, the team led by president Alberto Zangrillo, dg Flavio Ricciardella, mister Alberto Gilardino and the technical staff also arrived.

The mister’s words
And the rossoblù coach himself wanted to greet those present: “It’s a thrill to see you here! We are very happy to be here tonight and to be able to celebrate with you the 131st year of the Grifone. What we try to do with all our heart is to put passion into it, always competing at the highest levels. We try to transmit passion, the same that you have. Together we can do great things. There will be difficult moments but if we stay united, if you support us as you have done in these two years we will do great things”.

Badelj’s statements
“I’m speechless! Best wishes from me and the team,” echoed captain Milan Badelj. “We wish you the best for this season and all the following ones. I hope to come back here with you, at eighty, to celebrate the star.”