Fiorentina, on the list but still excluded from the group: Sabiri is looking for an offer (which is not there)

A surplus player looking for a solution far from Florence or a friendly hand to help him return to Serie A, the whimsical player who had convinced Fiorentina to buy him in January 2023. At 28 years old (in November) Abdelhamid Sabiri he also lost the national team and has been away from both the pitch and the locker room atmosphere since May, when he was with Al-Fayha. But to return to European football we have to go back to the Sampdoria match against Fiorentina on 30 April 2023 in which he played 17 minutes, before the Blucerchiati’s downward spiral and the Doria controversy over the shirt given to one of his future Viola fans.

Back at Fiorentina, Sabiri immediately ended up on the sidelines, without ever joining the group. Individual training at Viola Park for two months now, with the only new development being his inclusion in the list. The entourage and the club are looking for a place for him, be it the United Arab Emirates or Egypt, but if all the transfer deadlines arrived without any progress, he would remain in Viola at least until January. What to do then, given his not exactly low salary? Always keep him out of the group and the project or try to recover him by focusing on those qualities that he had highlighted in the past? The portal asks

Mister Palladino did it for example with Ikoné who, having rejected offers in Qatar and the Premier League, remains for now Colpani’s first reserve (not at his best), but would he be able to do it with a player who has been out of action for so long and above all outside of his tactical dictates to the group, of which Sabiri has never been a part? The doubts are legitimate, but leaving him in oblivion despite being on the Serie A list would not help anyone nor would it be economically convenient.