Turin, intervention for Savva: the reason in the press release of the Granata club on social media

The Turin will have to do without for a while Zanos SavvaThe Cypriot attacking winger underwent surgery today, as communicated by the Granata club through its social channels:

“Torino Football Club announces that today the footballer Zanos Savva underwent surgery for a high-grade bilateral patellar tendinopathy. The footballer will return to Turin in the next few days and will begin the rehabilitation process”.

A really bad blow for Savva, who last year had begun to taste the football of the big boys. Starting with the Primavera of Toro of which he was one of the points of reference, in the second half of the Serie A he was practically always aggregated to the first team. A lot of bench observing the more experienced teammates, until arriving at the debut on May 12 against Verona also embellished by 1 goal. For him also another appearance, on the last day against Atalanta.