A long interview was given to the club’s official channels by Juventus Next Gen Sporting Director Claudio Chielliniwho touched on various topics between the market and the championship. These, precisely in relation to the first two games of the championship, his comment: “We started along the lines of last season, with an initial defeat that immediately made us understand the difficulties of the championship. The squad is almost completely new, with only 13 players left from last year, it is normal for a team like Next Gen to change a lot and amalgamating everyone into a group is not something that happens in a short time. It will certainly be a long journey, like last year, with many difficulties to which logistical problems are added: it is a fascinating challenge, but also demanding, in which we will have to travel by plane and stay away for several days, with all the problems that then reflect on the organization of the work week. However, this is also part of a growth path and I think that in the end the boys during the season will realize that by overcoming the difficulties, the defeats and the mistakes, they will improve”.
Speaking of logistics, a note on the Biella stadium, the new home of the baby bianconeri: “I am very happy because we were able to personalize the stadium where both we and the women’s team will play. The hope is to finally create a following of fans who are permanently passionate about the Next Gen; the premises are good, the first match attracted around a thousand fans and we hope that in the next ones there will be the same number, even more”.