Cagliari doesn’t score, they need a jolt! Is Gaetano the spark?

Sergio Demuru – Cagliari correspondent for Tuttosport since 2007, following Cagliari Calcio since 1997, having collaborated with other newspapers such as Il Giornale di Sardegna and Sardegna 24.

There is a patina of frenzy. There is no point in hiding it. Even in Lecce, Cagliari showed clear signs of difficulty in finishing worthily on goal. The crossbars hit by Luvumbo and Viola could have overturned a match that unfolded in a balanced match context and jeopardized by the greater determination of the Salento team in the small area and of Krstovic in particular, able to unlock the contest.

Davide Nicola will now have to ask himself why his players are overcome by anxiety at the most beautiful moment when it comes to putting the ball in the net. Or they exaggerate in their personalities. Luvumbo first and foremost, who, it is true, built and concluded the action with a shot that chipped the crossbar, but it is also true that Piccoli was alone in the center, who could have easily placed it in the net. The Angolan has many qualities, but he is lacking in seeing his teammates. Sometimes he gets wrapped up in himself, he manages to burn his opponents with his speed on the sprint, but he does not (yet) have the foresight to spot the teammate who is better positioned and able to finish better and with a higher percentage of realization.
Often defenses on Luvumbo double the marking, if not even triple it, it is therefore mathematical that there are spaces to be exploited by others. He is a player with great athletic skills, who puts opponents in difficulty with important starts even in the short, Luvumbo must however learn to dialogue and only then will he be able to become a complete player, a team player capable of moving the needle of the scale in favor of his team.

As could become Nicolas Viola, another player who, although older than Luvumbo, still has the superior skills to be decisive even in the final phase. His mistake in Lecce, because it was a mistake, could have been avoided and the ball could have easily ended up in the net, if only he had been more calm in finishing. The goal was wide open and there was absolutely no need to raise his aim. For a player who plays in the top division, it should be a sort of “routine” to keep the ball low, among other things without defenders nearby.

In short, when all is said and done, it was noted that Cagliari has an extreme need to capitalize on the scoring opportunities that come their way. Especially the easiest ones to convert into goals. In this regard, Nicola expects an important contribution from Gaetano, who has just arrived and will be available in full immediately after the break. Even if he is not a true striker, at least he sees the goal. The battery of strikers or half-forwards is there. It just needs to be modulated to perform at its best.