Bremer, Juventus defenderspoke to Rai Sport after last night’s 0-0 home draw against Roma: “We wanted to win, but in the end it was a blocked match, very balanced. It was important not to concede, but we have to work on the offensive phase to win the next one”
More balanced or more blocked race?
“In the first half, we were blocked a lot, we had few chances. In the second half, the team stretched out a bit, we created a bit of superiority, but in the end we didn’t score. We have to work on this, but for the start of the season, it’s normal.”
Where are you at in Motta’s journey?
“We are an ambitious team and we are thinking game by game. Especially us South Americans who arrived a week later, physically it was not easy. In these three games I was a bit tired, but now I am recovering. Now we have 10 days to work well and come back in great shape”.
Motta is surprising with his formations. Is this a stimulus for you?
“Yes, of course, as I said we arrived later, the Next Gen guys had two more weeks than us. The coach is seeing this, the important thing is that the team is on the ball and we have to work, there is no permanent position”.