Juventus, Savona agent: “Renewal is a great sign of confidence. Debut with a goal? Unforgettable”

Michael PuglisiNicolò Savona’s agent, spoke about his client (who scored in his debut as a starter in Serie A with Juventus) in an interview with Allsports: “After the match we hugged each other. That gesture says it all: inside were the many sacrifices made by Nicolò to realize the dream of playing in Serie A with the Juventus shirt. Making his debut as a starter was special, doing it by scoring made it all unforgettable”.

Play with a veteran personality…
“It has always been his strength. He doesn’t suffer from pressure. Every time he has moved from one category to another he has always done better. Credit goes to his determination mixed with great application that leads to the desire to improve”.

At the beginning of the summer it seemed like he was destined for a loan in Serie B, but instead he was given a renewal until 2029: what changed in the pre-season?
“The renewal was a great sign of trust from the club as well as the coach. In fact, they had been clear from the start in telling us that they were aiming for Savona for the first team even before the transfer market began. Day after day, both the club and Motta confirmed their idea of ​​keeping Nicolò for the entire season. You know the rest of the story…”.

Off the field Savona seems like a typical good guy with his head on his shoulders. A model student…
“And it is. I believe that the results he is achieving are also the result of the education he received from his family. Serious and good people, who have passed on to Nicolò the right values ​​of life. In fact, he has his feet firmly on the ground. So much so that he also cares a lot about his university career and, in parallel with football, he is continuing his studies to graduate in Sports Science”.