Endless Joy: Dybala chooses Roma. Now focus on the market

What has been has been, but what really matters is the present: pure Joya. When everything seemed already written, something changed. A light came to illuminate the sleepless nights of many Giallorossi fans. At 9:40 pm on August 22, 2024, a reel on Paulo Dybala’s Instagram profile extinguished any kind of doubt.
“Thank you Rome, see you on Sunday.” The video features the most iconic moments of his career in the capital: from the welcome at the Colosseo Quadrato, to the goals that made the ‘Dybala Mask’ replicated on the faces of large and small supporters of the Argentine lose their minds.

Paulo Dybala has clearly rejected – and more than once – the Arab blandishments. The last offer, the one for 75 million euros with a three-year contract, seemed tempting and unmissable to everyone. Or rather, it would have been for any type of player. But perhaps not for him. He didn’t define it as up to par.
Good. Now, we could also hypothesize a thousand and one reasons for his choice, from “in Rome he found stability both in the squad and outside thanks also to the friendship with his compatriots – Soulè and Paredes – to the fact that he knows the environment, has a coach who respects him and a people who love him, admire him and would even be willing to go back to the streets of Eur to welcome him for the second time.

Someone, some time ago, sang: ‘Everything else is boring. No. I didn’t say boring, but Joya, Joya, Joya.’ Even though the text may be different from the original, the concept is simple: if everything goes as we hope, this will be Dybala’s third year at Roma. Joy, Joy, Joy. A dream that, until a few days ago, seemed utopian.

What is scary today is how much the Dybala issue will affect Roma’s market. If those 4-5 reinforcements will arrive to face a whole season or not. If Danso, Assignon and the other names that have come out, will land in Trigoria despite the negotiations between the Argentine, Arabia and Roma not having come to fruition.

If there is no certainty about tomorrow…Today we can still say: Paulo, see you on Sunday.