Cremonese, Stroppa: “I don’t want to see the performance of Cosenza again against Carrarese”

Race eve for the Cremonese, who will make their home debut against Carrarese on the 2nd day of Serie B. As reported on the club’s official channels, coach Giovanni Stroppa spoke about the match in a press conference: “In Cosenza we were unable to make what we wanted happen on the pitch. We all have to take responsibility for it, even if fortunately it was the first match of the championship, and the important thing is not to repeat this type of performance. We need to close this page and open another: tomorrow we have to do the things we know how to do. The team always trains well, they had a good pre-season and even in attitude they never disappointed before Cosenza. Clearly we will get to grips with some situations, but for the rest we need to show a better attitude, because the head makes the difference”.

A note then goes to Carrarese: “In the match against Cesena they made a good impression on me: they came out especially in the second half, playing football. They are a team that goes well vertically, has attackers who are good in duels and are fearsome on dead ball situations. It will be a difficult match, like all those in the category. At the start of the championships there is mental freshness, beyond the technical caliber of each team. The enthusiasm and the desire to try new things gives more courage, so there can be matches in which if you don’t put some components on the field you can run into difficulty”.

A final note on the squad: “Collocolo and Buonaiuto will not be in the game. Where is Bonazzoli at? My thought is to start him tomorrow, because his condition can also improve by playing. The technical players, if they run together with the team, can always give us a hand”.