The Argentine who has bewitched Bologna: Benjamin Dominguez, the new reinforcement of Italiano

Bologna is ready to welcome a new reinforcement for the attack. Cambiaghi’s injury has led the Emilian club to return to the market to make amends by giving mister Vincenzo Italiano a new left-back with whom to face this start of the season. The choice fell on Benjamin Domingueza very promising footballer born in 2003. The white smoke is now one step away and soon we could arrive at the announcement with the striker who will arrive in Italy and make himself available to his new teammates.

Who is Benjamin Dominguez?
Argentine from La Plata, he is owned by Gimnasia, the club with which he made his first team debut in 2022. In the red and blues he will find his compatriot Santiago Castro who will surely be able to help him in integrating into the group. Last season, the boy collected 27 appearances in various competitions, scoring six goals and making one assist.

The figures of the operation
As we were saying, the final yes is really just a step away. Bologna has put on the table an offer of 5 million dollars, approximately 4.5 million euros and the Argentine club is ready to accept the proposal. With Benjamin Dominguez who will reach Italy and our championship. To shine with the Bologna jersey and compete in the Champions League.