New training session for the Cagliari by Davide Nicola today and in preparation for the second day of the championship against Como scheduled for Monday 26 August at 18:30. This is the report from the Sardinian club:
“A new stage in the run-up to Monday’s match, Mister Nicola’s rossoblù trained at the CRAI Sport Center. Today’s session began in the gym with strength development exercises. Then the group moved onto the pitch: technical exercises, one-on-one and three-on-three sessions. The games were played on a reduced pitch to close.
Viola worked partially with the team; partial work with the group also for Mina and Palomino, integrated with individual work. Personalized for Zortea.
At the end of the session, managers, technical staff and team participated in a meeting organized by the Italian Referees Association, held by the CAN A referee, Antonio Giua, to illustrate the guidelines and regulatory innovations.
Next training session scheduled for tomorrow, Friday 23rd, in the morning.”