…with Walter Novellino –

“I’m curious to see Juventus, I’m recording all of Thiago Motta’s games. He’s doing a great job.” Walter Novellino told TuttoMercatoWeb.com.

And Conte’s Napoli?
“Conte has experience, he knows the Italian championship. He has a team with thirteen or fourteen important players but he is still missing something. Lukaku would be very useful to him.”

Who for the Scudetto?
“I have a lot of faith in Thiago Motta. Juve, Napoli and Inter, who are the favorites, will fight.”

His former Venezia will face Serie A.
“Di Francesco did a good job in Frosinone, I would be happy if Venezia did well. I would like Eusebio to do what I did in Laguna”.

The most interesting market operation?
“Soulé to Roma. I’m curious to see him, he’s an important guy. Today the winger who beats the man is back in fashion. In one-on-one situations, wingers are missing. And Roma has chosen a good player”.

Mister, what about B?
“I like Sampdoria. I know Accardi well: he is very attached to the Blucerchiati colours. He is doing well. Among the favourites I would put Sampdoria together with Cremonese, Sassuolo and Palermo”.