Fedriga on Alexis Sanchez’s return to Udinese: “He will bring experience and mentality”

Alexis Sanchez’s return to Udinese is a big topic of discussion in Friuli. In the last few hours, Massimiliano Fedriga, governor of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, also spoke about it: “I would see him playing very well in Friuli again also because he would be able to bring that experience, and mentality, that are needed in a championship like Serie A. In attack, young players are good, but often something more is needed. Someone like Sanchez would be perfect for Udinese”, his words to the notebooks of ‘Messaggero Veneto’.

This is instead the thought of his former coach Pasquale Marino to TMW: “For me it was a wise choice. Not a marketing one. Sanchez is still capable of making the team take a leap in quality.”
How do you see Udinese next season?
“It seems to me that there is a desire to show proactive football. The Friulians will see a pleasant show.”
What’s your first memory of Sanchez?
“His constant growth. You could see he was a champion. But he was helped: he worked with people like Di Natale, Quagliarella and Pepe. He settled in well and was helped by those who already knew the championship”.

Finally, still on TMW, Di Natale’s thoughts on the return of Nino Maravilla to Friuli: “I’m happy, Alexis is a boy who loves Udine. Udinese is a serious club, to which he can still give a lot”.