Padova, Palombi goes to Alcione. Mirabelli: “We’ll see if we can win with ideas”

“The Padova of recent years has changed a bit, when they were used to spending a lot. Today there are Triestina and Vicenza who spend three or four times as much and we have to be competitive with these clubs, perhaps even making records in terms of management, given that we have made almost ten million euros in capital gains in Serie C, something that has perhaps never happened before. We have to make a virtue of necessity, we know we don’t have a budget like the others and we’ll see if we can get by with ideas. This year too we will try to give our opponents a hard time”: as can be read on The Gazzettino-Padovahe spoke to the microphones of Sports Radio, Padova’s Sports Director Massimiliano Mirabelli.

Whose work has been causing discussion among fans for some time, further fuelled by the issue related to Simone Palombi; as is known, the footballer he was sold to Alcione, a club newly promoted to Serie C with whom he signed a three-year contractbut the operation has not received the approval of the square, which is expressing strong discontent for the affair. Which is then closely linked to that of Mattia Bortolussi: for the striker, two requests from Triestina have been rejected, but everything is in progress.