Milan, slowed down for Scuffet from Cagliari. Fonseca thinks about confirming the 2005 Torriani

A slowdown in the market track that wanted the Milan interested in Simone Scuffetgoalkeeper owned by the Cagliarifollowing the injury sustained by Marco Sportiello in recent days.

In fact, according to what was reported by Sportmediasetin fact, this slowdown would be due to the fact that the managers of via Aldo Rossi are thinking of entrusting the role of vice-Maignan to the young Lorenzo Torrianireturning from an excellent tour in the United States with Paulo Fonseca’s team.

Torriani (19) has completed his entire career in the youth sector of the Devils and is now approaching professional football. Even if he is not confirmed in the First Team, the boy from Vimodrone is expected to spend a season in Serie C with Milan Future,