From the no to James to the mercenary Greenwood. The Lazio ds is a river in full flood and explains everything

Lazio is struggling with the market and among the many names that have been mentioned this summer there was also that of James Rodriguezbut Angel Fabianisporting director of the Biancocelesti, explained his refusal to the Colombian: “I will never take him and I will also explain why. He is a 33-year-old boy and in recent years he has never played more than 12-13 games a year, he played reasonably well in the last Copa America, but if there is a new method that goes towards important young players, taking this boy for one or two years would go against all logic. All respect for the player, but we must make 360-degree evaluations both in terms of his age and his minutes played in recent years. Rest assured that the player Fabiani wants is not even known by Fabiani, imagine if anyone on social media or in the press knows what the objective will be”.

The attack on Greenwood.
“We wanted Greenwood last year, then there was a hitch with the player. You all know what Greenwood’s problem was. An agent this year approached us with the idea of ​​Greenwood in Italy, we gave him a deadline, from there an auction was unleashed and I thought I could go up to a certain limit. We offered 22 million pounds for 50% of the player, we’re talking about 26 million euros. He preferred to take another path and I say that the best deals are those that are not made. I want Rovella, Zaccagni, players who love the environment where they work. I don’t want these mercenaries, it’s lucky not to make certain deals. I could sell myself for 50 thousand euros more but I have values ​​that my parents passed on to me. If he has taken another path, we wish Greenwood the best of luck.”

Words about Luis Alberto.
“Today someone submitted to me a statement by Luis Alberto, towards whom all the footballing and professional respect goes, but you shouldn’t always blame the president. I forced the renewal of Luis Alberto, the president follows my directions and after six months the Spaniard shows that he no longer has the motivation. If you close a cycle and choose to earn more, it’s right to say so. In football, ingratitude is the main feeling, but there is always a limit”.