Pisa, now it’s official: The Arena Garibaldi Stadio Romeo Anconetani becomes the Cetilar Arena

The Garibaldi Arena “Romeo Anconetani” Stadium enters a new era and does so thanks to the development of the partnership between Pisa Sporting Club and PharmaNutra.

From today, in fact, the Nerazzurri Stadium will take on the commercial name “Cetilar® Arena” to seal a partnership, that between Pisa Sporting Club and PharmaNutra, which over the years has consolidated by broadening its horizons.

After having placed the Cetilar® brand on the Nerazzurri shirts as well as on the renovated San Piero Sports Centre which hosts the Pisa Sporting Club training sessions, the main partner PharmaNutra will therefore also place its signature on the Arena starting from the luxury friendly against the Italian Champions Inter scheduled for next Friday (7.30 pm).

“Cetilar® and Pisa Sporting Club, a partnership that has lasted five years and that works for the growth of a team and the joy of its fans – this is the thought of President Giuseppe Corrado -. A handshake that sealed the first agreement and that then transformed into a wide embrace between two entities that share the same values ​​and the same ideals. First the Cetilar® brand characterized our shirt, then it painted our Training Center and now it will also decorate our Arena where in every match all our hearts are tinged with black and blue and beat to the rhythm of ‘Forza Pisa’. Another thank you to the Lacorte brothers for believing in our project and for having shown that they love their city and their fans so much”.

“When President Giuseppe Corrado shared with us the possibility of linking our Cetilar® brand to the Arena Garibaldi and accompanying the Pisa Sporting Club in a stadium renovation project, we immediately welcomed the proposal with great enthusiasm and emotion – explains PharmaNutra COO Carlo Volpi -. We are talking about a project that is very useful to the entire city, an important initiative that has the great merit of giving value to its social fabric, which has always historically been very close to the black and blue colors. And it is this consideration that pushed Andrea and Roberto Lacorte to support the Pisa Sporting Club in an unprecedented and stimulating path, with the idea of ​​creating something that will remain in the city”.