Inter, Martinez tells his story: “This is how the nickname Pepo was born. Idol? Canizares”

Josep Martinez, Inter’s new goalkeeperspeaks to the official channels of the Nerazzurri club, telling his story in all its aspects and not only for the aspects on the pitch: “I started playing at 5 years old”.

Have you ever played any other sports?
“Yes, many. I like tennis, padel, the sea… I did a bit of surfing when I was little. These are the sports I like the most. But I also follow others: I like Moto GP, Formula 1. I like to follow many sports, even football. Especially when there is a Spanish player, I root for them”.

If you hadn’t been a footballer, what would you have liked to do?
“I don’t know, maybe the physiotherapist to always work in the world of football.”

Did your dad pass on the love for football?
“Yes, he is the one who gave me the passion for football.”

Do you remember the first course you played on?
“It was a citadel camp, the camp was very hard. I will remember it for the rest of my life.”

Favorite soccer player as a child?
“Certainly Cañizares, Valencia goalkeeper, legendary. Then when I was older Casillas. He is a reference for me and a legend”.

Can you tell us about your experience at Barcelona?
“I was playing in my citadel, I was about 17 years old, and they called me there to do a trial. They were two years in which I learned a lot, not only in football but also for the values ​​I learned there. I think it was the biggest step in my career”.

The evolution of the role?
“I was lucky enough to play in clubs where the role of the modern goalkeeper was the main one and this made me grow year after year.”

They call you intuitive. Why?
“They call me that, I don’t like to do it, neither as a footballer nor as a person. In the end, a goalkeeper must be reactive and ready.”

A particularly important person?
“My first goalkeeping coach, who I had in Barcelona, ​​taught me a lot of things, he gave me the path to follow to be a professional.”

What is the most important lesson you learned and from whom?
“Good question… In Las Palmas at 20 when I started playing in the first team and it seemed like I was the new Casillas for Spain… Everything was going well, then I had an injury that kept me out for months. This thing made me learn that what they say from the outside is not always good and you always have to stay on your way without hearing ‘the noises’ that come from outside”.

What do you like to do besides football?
“Outside of football I like to be with my family, go for walks and go shopping. Then I also like PlayStation and being close to my friends who I don’t see all the time and who stay far away.”

A good thing and a bad thing.
“My virtue is courage, my flaw is that I am stubborn.”

His nickname now?
“My friends call me Pepo. A teammate of mine from Las Palmas invented it. One day he jokingly called me that: six years have passed since then, but the nickname has stuck for everyone.”

How important is the locker room?
“A lot. Football is a special sport: if you have a bad day you know you have teammates who can help you grow and who also contribute to your improvement… These are really important values, not only for sport but also for life”.

In football, what matters more: talent or determination?
“Definitely work, determination. Talent can get you there, but to stay there you have to have that discipline. I have seen many players get to that position, but not having the determination not to lose it. In football, if you let your attention down, they overtake you: in football, discipline is very important”.