Sassuolo, Carnevali: “Berardi? We will evaluate the best solution with him”

John CarnevalCEO of Sassuolo, spoke to the microphones of Sky

“Berardi must only think about recovering from his injury in the timely days. I’m sure that offers will arrive for Berardi, we’ll see what comes: it must be an important offer, he’s our champion. Without him we had great difficulties, but for him the important thing is to recover. We will evaluate together the best solution for everyone, especially for the player”.

Advice to Monza?
“There has been contact between the clubs, but at the moment we are stuck because Andrea wants to think about it. Turati is a promising goalkeeper, we would like to keep him, but if there are good possibilities we will evaluate them. If there are requests, it means that we have valid and sought-after players on the market”.

Market stall?
“All the clubs are in a bit of trouble at the moment, the Premier League market is at a standstill and this affects the entire market. It’s a system that is in a bit of trouble at the moment, before making purchases we have to make a lot of evaluations”.

“It depends on the clubs that want him. He has requests from abroad, from Marseille to Mourinho’s Fenerbahce. He is an important player for us, we also need to evaluate the various formulas for transfers. For us he is worth around 15-20 million, but for his value I would prefer to give up this economic aspect in order to keep him. Then obviously if a player lacks the right spirit, then we consider the transfer, provided there is the right offer, otherwise we keep everyone”.

What kind of Sassuolo will be in Serie B?
“It’s a difficult championship, now we are in the construction phase. A complicated phase, with some players who would like to be sold. It will take time, even if it is a huge mistake to end the market at the end of August, because you cannot build the team well having to play three games with the market open. We must learn from the mistakes made and start again with the desire to return to Serie A as soon as possible”.