…with Polo Dattola –

“We are happy with the renewal, we believe it is the natural evolution of what has been done so far. We wanted to give continuity to Dennis’ work and we are certain that Serie A suits him better than Serie B. So what better place than Parma?” This is what lawyer Polo Dattola, who together with Andrea Pretti deals with Dennis Man’s interests in Italy, assisted by Giovanni Becali, told TuttoMercatoWeb.com.

He had other requests especially abroad…
“We didn’t hear from them much because we thought Parma was the right place to continue to express his qualities. However, nothing made us doubt that the renewal was the best option”

He also renewed Mihaila.
“A renewal that took place about a month ago immediately after the European Championship. We are happy to continue with Parma, they are two players that the club had signed to play in Serie A”.

Can Morutan come back into fashion for Italy?
“There is interest but nothing too in-depth at the moment.”

“He is a player who has played two hundred games in La Liga. He has rejected offers over the years from Brugge and Trabzonspor. He is twenty-eight years old, the level of Spanish football is equal if not superior to that of Italy. I think he could be the subject of attention of many clubs in Europe”

“He is at the heart of Pisa’s project. He has many admirers abroad after having had a great European Championship. Pisa considers him very important”.

Silvestri achieved promotion with Cesena.
“He wants to play his cards in Serie B after many years of great performances in C and be a protagonist. He has all the characteristics to be able to do it”.

And Tommaso Silvestri?
“He will remain in Catania. He is recovering from an injury that kept him out all year. He is practically healed. He will be a mainstay of the new Catania”.