With play and ideas Frosinone will try to counter the big teams in Serie B

After Harroui and Romagnoli, another top player also says goodbye Frosinone football and it is the captain Luca Mazzitelli who has chosen to go to Como. In the next few days he will also say goodbye to Brescianini, who is also destined to go to Serie A to Napoli unless there are new upheavals before the signatures.

A Frosinone to rebuild but that will not change its philosophy
The Frosinone that Vincenzo Vivarini will have in his hands at the end of the market will be practically very different from that of last season despite the fact that at the beginning of the retreat there were several players who had thrilled the yellow-blue people last season, before the bitter relegation that came in the final minutes of the championship. Vivarini is slowly losing pieces, since the beginning of the retreat until today in fact Harroui, Romagnoli and Mazzitelli have left but soon he will also say goodbye to Brescianini and who knows who else. The choice of the yellow-blue club was clear: only those who are completely convinced to stay and fight in the next B championship should remain in Frosinone, otherwise the paths could divide. So far the yellow-blues have lost key players and on the contrary all talented and promising youngsters have arrived on loan (Cittadini, Ambrosino and Distefano) who will have to prove they are up to the category. The nest egg that the yellow and blue club is putting aside with the outgoing operations will be spent by director Guido Angelozzi by August 30 to strengthen the squad because even though Frosinone does not have the resources of clubs like Palermo, Sampdoria and others, it will in any case set up a competitive squad for the next cadet championship so as to try to compete through the play and ideas of mister Vivarini.

Fans await the market moves but in the meantime they buy season tickets
Although the club from Viale Olimpia has not yet made any headlines, the canary fans are already showing their affection and closeness to the club by signing up for season tickets for next season. At the moment, there are around 4,500 people who have already signed up to watch the Benito Stirpe and the matches of Mister Vivarini’s team, but the number is certainly set to increase and with some big moves on the market it could even double. The club from Viale Olimpia will wait until the last weeks of the market, as has already happened in past seasons, to close important incoming operations, but in the meantime the fans are already showing their trust and affection for the club.