Urbinati starts again from Victor San Marino: “After a difficult year, I was looking for professionalism”

TMW Exclusive

The bitter story of Fano will probably find its epilogue on Monday, when the competent bodies will pronounce themselves on the future of the club, and the future framework of what will be the city’s football will be clearer. A situation, this, that has led captain Gianluca Urbinati to embrace other paths, and the current one has led to Victor San Marino: “I have great desire and enthusiasm, mentally and physically I feel like a kid, and the numbers confirm it, and after a very difficult year off the pitch I needed professionalism and seriousness. Last year the team did very well, and even in these first days of training I have seen great organization within the club, but also some smart guys”.

Meet Mister Cascione again, after the experience at Pistoiese…
“The coach and the Sports Director are very good, I know how they play football and so the choice was easy. However, I was pleased to see that at 37 years old the phone rang again, and that so many expressions of esteem came especially from coaches and presidents with whom I had already worked: seeing that the man was appreciated too, and not just the footballer, makes me understand that I have achieved my goal”.

Have you already talked about goals for next season?
“The team is not yet complete, so we will see the objectives as we go along, now it is too early to define them. The only thing that will count, however, will be to always give our best”.

But let’s go to your adventure in Fano: it’s difficult to digest an epilogue like the one we saw.
“It was a two-year period full of emotions, the first year we even won the playoffs and we were one step away from Serie C, a truly important year with a top-level group and with mister Mosconi who guided us well: unfortunately after that we missed the repechage among the pros, and the huge problems began that then arrive to today, there are still big problems. Despite all the bad weather and the situations at the limit, as a team we really gave it our all, trying to make a dramatic season off the pitch, unforgettable on the pitch: we believed in salvation, it was difficult to achieve but we believed in it, and I am sure that without the points that were taken from us at the table against Fossombrone something different could have been written. In the meantime we would have played the playouts. A joke within a joke”.

So do you think that with the repechage in C things would have gone differently?
“It’s hard to say, but it probably wouldn’t have gone very well even in Serie C, there was also a big rift between the fans and the owners. However, towards us, the fans were commendable, they never failed to support us, it’s thanks to their support that we finished the season in a dignified way: the city rallied around the team. And I hope that in Fano we can soon return to talking about football played at a certain level, the city deserves people of a certain level, competent, professional and with credibility”.

Speaking of Serie C, Fermana is having to deal with relegation. As a former captain, what do you think?
“I wore the club’s captain’s armband with more than 200 appearances in 7 years, it was the most important stage of my football career, they were unforgettable seasons. We reached a playoff final in Serie D, won a D championship, reached the playoffs in Serie C, many easy salvations among the pros… I am really very attached to those colors. I hope they can start again as the fans and the square deserve”.