Di Chiara: “Fiorentina still without a vote. Palladino? Less fundamentalist than Italiano”

TMW Radio

Guest of TMW Radiowithin the broadcast ‘Transfer Market and Retreats’, Albert Of Clareformer defender of the Florentinespoke about the transfer market of the Viola club, fresh from the official announcement of the arrival of Andrea Colpani from the Monza:

“Palladino and Italiano are two different coaches. Palladino is not so Taliban with the schemes, but depending on the players he has he will adapt his game. Today it is not possible to give a definitive judgment, there are some elements missing to complete the squad and make this leap in quality that has only been grazed in recent seasons. Palladino is a promising coach, you have to look at things with confidence and weigh things up. The midfield still needs to be strengthened, but also in the back. The important thing is that the team responds well to the mentality that Palladino wants to give”.