…with Oscar Damiani –

“Assuming that there is still too much time to go, it seems to me that Inter is already doing well and does not need to make many purchases, the others are behind. At the moment there have been no important purchases”. This is what market operator Oscar Damiani told TuttoMercatoWeb.com.

Milan has focused on Morata. Napoli wants to close for Lukaku.
“The used one is safe. But the used one is not always safe. Lukaku has a lot of temperament and you can always bet on him. Morata has a lot of class, unlike Lukaku”.

And the Rome that will come?
“It’s a company that has hired good managers. I like Ghisolfi. I think Roma can do well.”

Lazio is changing a lot.
“A big question mark. At Lazio, however, they know how to do it, the President has great experience”.

The hit of this market?
“Conte is an absolute guarantee, he is a great coach. His victories prove it. It seems to me that De Laurentiis has made a great move. For the rest, Milan is good for having secured Camarda. And let’s hope that a lot of Italian boys will emerge. In other sports, young Italians are emerging. Football is struggling to find talent”.

Thuram: do you prefer the Inter or Juve one?
“They are both good. The striker has something more. Whoever has it keeps it and enjoys it. The youngster has class but not great strength. He could be a nice surprise”.