Lautaro’s renewal and Dumfries’, then the market. Inter, president Marotta speaks

In the last few hours the president of Inter Beppe Marotta he spoke clearly, regarding the much talked about renewal of Lautaro Martinez: “Yes, it’s done, we’ve already collected the signature. However, we want to make it official when he returns from vacation. We have confirmed almost all of last year’s squad. We have brought in important players like Taremi, Zielinski and Martinez and we have made the team competitive for our goals. We have an excellent coach, we have a top-level management and technical staff and a great crowd. With these premises we are starting the new season”.

Yesterday was also the right day to read further excerpts of his thoughts, starting with the failed arrival of Juan Cabal, who then ended up at Juventus: “We did not continue our interest in this profile due to our internal evaluations and we preferred to stop”.

Then other market issues, including the alleged interest in Genoa’s Gudmundsson and the negotiations for the renewal of Denzel Dumfries: “Is Gudmundsson still an open negotiation? No, honestly we have never discussed because at this moment the offensive sector gives guarantees and is numerically congruent. At this moment we are stuck like this, we have absolutely no type of needs. Will Dumfries renew? I hope and think so”.