Giuffredi: “Di Lorenzo’s problem has never been financial. Inter called me”

Giovanni Di Lorenzo’s agent, Mario Giuffrediin his press conference today, also spoke about the economic issue regarding his client and the Italian club that called him when the scandal with Napoli broke out: “The Di Lorenzo problem has never been economic. President De Laurentiis has always shown that he loves him, even from an economic point of view, and he respected him from an economic point of view for what he was worth”.

Was there any temptation from some clubs? Did the teammates make an effort to stay?
“The first team that called me was Inter. You brought up the issue of Juve, but Inter came first, who have Dumfries with just one year left on their contract and asked for information. Giovanni never felt abandoned by his teammates. The group fell apart a bit, which is normal in a situation like last year, it happens naturally because all the players are gripped by desperation and can no longer be united. In every dressing room there can always be some discussion, but no one behaved badly with Di Lorenzo”.

How do you rebuild the relationship with the fans?
“Up until now Di Lorenzo couldn’t speak, it’s not that he didn’t want to speak. To speak about the club you have to be authorised by the club. In Castel di Sangro Di Lorenzo will hold his press conference, he will express his thoughts, his feelings, his sensations and the fans will understand. And then there is only one way to rebuild the relationship with the fans: to perform well and win. Do you think that if all this hadn’t happened he wouldn’t have been contested anyway if he had played badly at the start of the next championship? The relationship with the fans will be fixed because I am convinced that everything will be clarified with the press conference and with the performances during the matches”.