Cagliari, first day of retreat for Obert, Marin and Lapadula. Personalized program for them tell today’s home retreat day Cagliari. Adam Obert and Razvan Marin immediately took to the field, having reached the Chatillon retreat only in the early afternoon after having made the visits to Villa Stuart. For the Romanian, he entered the field and had a busy chat with Simone Barone, while for the Slovakian, he immediately had his first rondo with the senators Lapadula (also at his first training), Deiola and some members of the technical staff.

At 6:00 p.m. sharp, the first group circle near the locker rooms, with Nicola haranguing his players, staying well away from the prying ears of reporters and fans present at the Brunod field. Then the real start to the session, with the first part of the warm-up that saw the red and blue group divided into two parts, goalkeepers included, under the watchful eye of Nicola who closely observed the execution of the exercises.

Then came the highlight of the afternoon training session, with individual technical exercises with the silhouettes creating difficulties: exchanges in the narrow, with unloading, one-two and freeing up in space. Smiles and the usual intensity, before the running session (and repetitions with changes of pace) that closed the first session of the Aosta Valley retreat for the rossoblù. A solitary run for captain Pavoletti and Kingstone – catechized by Nicola with a motivational phrase: “Nobody gives you anything in the game, d’you understand?” –. The latest arrivals, namely Lapadula, Obert and Marin followed a personalized pace, given their different physical condition compared to their teammates who have two more weeks of preparation than them.